
Infrastructure Architect


There don’t seem to be any formal definition of what Infrastructure architecture is, the only one found by searching the web is from the Open Group where it is defined as:

Infrastructure architecture connotes the architecture of the low level hardware, networks, and system software (sometimes called "middleware") that supports the applications software and business systems of an enterprise.

The main thrust of this definition is to position Infrastructure Architecture relative to TOGAF and ends up as calling infrastructure architecture everything other than specific software project architectures which whilst not incorrect is a rather exclusive definition.
It would appear that there is not a formal definition of Infrastructure Architecture for IT so I have come up with my own:
Infrastructure Architecture is the set of abstractions used to model the set of basic computing elements which are common across an organization and the relationships between those elements.
So it would include the architecture of:
o Middleware
• Access Management
o Security
o Identity
o Deployment
o Provisioning

It does not include anything to do with design or operational processes or software design, these fall under the remit of SDLC, Operations Lifecycle and Software Architecture respectively. It does not include any business elements.It is a major subset of Enterprise Architecture and the platform for a Service Oriented Architecture. It does include Service Oriented Infrastructure and Grid.

The best post to explain it:




Merry Xmas


A colleague sent me this picture from a Spanish company.

It is a xmas card from the WARP spanihs company. (IT company).

Thanks Nacho for sending me the xmas card, ;-) ;-)

Note: The formula is the greetings card.

WmiPrvSE memory leak. The computer 'localhost' failed to perform the requested operation because it is out of memory or disk space


The computer 'localhost' failed to perform the requested operation because it is out of memory or disk space.

I got these error.
The disk had 75 % free space.
So, the memory is the problem
I killed the WmiPrvSE. The processes had 700.000k.
After, I killed it, everything goes well and the processe started again with 6.000k.
The hyper-v manager started to work without problem.

You can solve the problem restarting the server of course. But the server was in a enviroment production.



Connecting to Virtual Machine Management service


Have you read the post before?

The solution is the same.
I remove some files from the disk with 11G free. We have 25G free. We restarted the server, and everything goes well.

The computer 'localhost' failed to perform the requested operation because it is out of memory or disk spac


Yes, We had a problem in a disk.
We had 11G, but Hyper-V manager shut down. The VM runned well.

We changed some vm to another disk, we restarted the host server and everything is ok now.


See WmiPrvSE entry. It is a better solution.
Close this service and It is solve de problem


Virtual Machine connection off.


We have hyper-V R2.

I had a problem with the blade host server.

When We started the host server some machines waiting for starting.

I couldnt turn off. The virtual machine connection is off. See the picture`
Although we restarted the server and everything gone well.
My colleague Marta Marco found the problem in this log: (thanks Marta ;-) )
The vmwp.exe service looks the problem.

Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool


are you looking for tools to put Windows 7 in a USB Stick?

Dont waste your time!!!


yes, the online microsoft store. But it is a free tool



550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for . Exchange 2010


If you solve the previous post, you will have this other problem.
So , look at this link

In my Exchange, I have 2 domains.
The second wasnt in Accept Domains tab.

I put it, and everything was well.


530 5.7.1 Client was not authenticated. Exchange 2010


My server is in Spanish, so it would be better to visit this link:


And you solve the problem


RDS. Application and User Permission

With RDS, you can add permision for the users.
With W2k8 you havent the tab "User assignment", but There is one .dll file in The internet that you can solve the problem.
Now with the W2k8 R2 is a piece of cake.


Remote Desktop Services. To Publish IE 8 is difficult.

We have RDS with REmoteApp Manager and REmote Desktops SErvices Manager.

I publish Adobe REader 9, Firefox 3.5, Calc and everything goes well

But I try to publish IE8 and the icon is wrong
And I need to change the path from file://server/program files\ .. to c:\program files\....


Client Access error. Exchange 2010. Net.Tcp error


Windows Server 2008 R2 and Exchange 2010 Client Access error.

The error:
Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service needs to put in Automatic.

REad the link: (Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system prerequisites )

The 4 point is the solution:

After the system has restarted, log on as an administrator, open an elevated Windows PowerShell console, and configure the Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service for Automatic startup by running the following command:

Copy Code

Set-Service NetTcpPortSharing -StartupType Automatic



Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts – the complete list


How many people knows the keyboard shorcuts?

http://4sysops.com/archives/windows-7-keyboard-shortcuts-the-complete-list/#New Windows 7 hotkeys

My top :

Windows logo key +Space
All windows become transparent so you can see through to the desktop

Windows logo key +(+/-)
Zoom in/out
(it is a pitty that you can draw something like ZoomIt (Sysinternals) ).

Windows logo key +Shift+Left/Right arrows
If you’ve got dual monitors, this will move the active window to the adjacent monitor
(I have 2 monitors). I use Ultramonitor. It is a great tool.


PowerShell and PowerGUI


I looking to some tools to Powershell to use with Hyper-V

This tool is free:

Many PowerPacks for Hyper-V, AD and so on.

Great Tool


Directory Service Comparison

Hi everyone

Active Directory Snapshots
You can do it with W2k8, although you need to study a litte.

Yo can do it with W2k8 R2 easily.

But, he we are some links about this to control the AD Snapshots and Recovery items




Top free Windows administration tools

Hi again

Everyone knows this website (4sysops.com) or not.
but he we are a good link:


Create bootable USB drive


Ufff, many links about this.

This link: (Create bootable USB drive for Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 )
explain the MSDN Code.

Althoug My favorite link is:

I wrote about this in:


WIM2VHD and more Code for Hyper-V.


How Do you set up a VHD file from a WIM DVD?

It is easy.

Others Codes Gallery for Hyper-V


Booting Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 from VHD with Powershell

Hi again

Many links through The internet about this subject. (Boot from VHD file)

I liked this one:

(In Spanish)

But these link use the MSDN Code:


Remove a Cache Outlook Contact. NK2View


Remembering the time when my job was support IT.

I colleague asked me about to remove some Outlooks Contacts from the cache.

This information is in a file in this path.[Your Profile]\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook. The file has the .nk2 extension. It is a compiled file so you cant edit with Notepd.

This is the tool that you need to edit:




Hyper-V. USB Connect Device


The Hyper-V or Hyper-V R2 doesnt work USB devices. The virtuap PC works, the vmware woks aswell.

but, Hyper-V is free, so you can buy one product, or two

a)USB to Ethernet Connector 3.0 is great

b) USB over Network is good as well

NOTE: My example was with Aladdin HASP Key. I coudnt connect because the server was a W2k3 and the Client W2k8 R2.
I need to install the Aladdin HASP drivers.
I downloaded the windows 7 drivers and I installed it in the W2K8 R2.
Now, I can connect from the client and the key works very well.

If you connect a USB disk drive and so on, the both products run very well and you dont need to install any driver.


Windows Server R2 and SMB resources. error, problem, not connect


We had a w2k3 cluster.
If , We needed to connect from another worksgroup computer We did

With W2k8 R2 I need to write:
\\clustername.domain\resource in the computers out the domain (of course We connect with a domain account.

And I need to add in the host file the IP for the clustername.

So, take a look


Disk2Vhd. Good Tool.

The Disk2Vhd tool from Sysinternals (microsoft). A great tool.
I got 2 Windows XP. A WXP with Enterasys NEtsigh program.
The VHD didnt work. I got a blue screen ;-). I installed XP over the VHD and I got the windows XP with the Enterasys Netsigh program right.
The second one, It was a TV program (Agility = TV video format convert ). Everything was well.


The operation failed because either the specified cluster node is not the owner of the group or the node is not possible owner of the group


If you have this error:

"The operation failed because either the specified cluster node is not the owner of the group or the node is not possible owner of the group..."

You dont have installed the SQL services, Exchange Services and so on in this node.

Maybe you have installed a SQL instance in the first node, but you dont have add the second and thrid ... node again.



Office 2010 Beta in MSDN and TechNet


Althoug there are many days that you can get the PDC version in Internet.

We are, the Office 2010 Beta version in MSDN and TechNet Subscription.

We will test it



SQL2008 Cluster error. 'RequireKerberos is 1'


I am installing a SQL 2008 cluster in a 3 node guest cluster.

I had this error:
'RequireKerberos is 1'

I followed this Q to solve the problem
We need to stream SQL 2008 dVD with SP1


Dual Boot Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2


two links very good




Windows 2008 DC in Hyper-V


We have the windows 2008 DC in Hyper-V
The DC gets the time from the host and sometimes the time is wrong.

This is the Q to change the regedit in the host machine to solve the problem:



Virtual Machine Manager 08 R2 and Citrix XenDesktop.

I have VMM08 with Citrix XenDesktop.
Yes, We have in our company this infraestructure. There is a few around the world ;-).
I migrated VMM08 to VMM08 R2 , so CitrixXendestop was down.
I upgrade the VMM08 R2 agent.
I reboot the CitrixXenDesktop Server
I reconfigured the options in the farm (view picture).
And everything starts to run again.


Virtual Machine Manager 08 R2 , Hyper-V 1 Cluster error

It is so funny (or sad).
I testing Virtual Machine Manager 08 R2. VMM08 R2.
I migrated without problem, but the hyper-V 1 cluster (Windows Server 2008) give me this error:
That is, because I have 3 VM in the cluster to do quick migration.
The Hyper-V 2 cluster (Windows Serve 2008 R2) runs well inside VMM08.
It is weird that a new product dont support the first cluster version for VM.
This is a negative point for VMM08 R2.


Host Clustering. Guest Clustering. About Blades and Clustering, File Share Majority and fail.

I have host clustering with guest clustering.
Host clustering with Windows Server 2008 R2 and CSV (Cluster Shared Volumes).
I have guest clustering (a file cluster an a SQL 08 cluster).
I have 2 blade chassis
The cluster has 3 nodes. Why?
The Node 1 and Node 2 are in the first Chassis
The Node 3 is in the second Chassi.
Everybody says that the chassis never fails. But I dont know. Maybe !!!!! ;-)

When I installed the therd node, the wizard advise me about the quorum disk,
Wich option is the best?
Well, Althoug No Majority disk is a bad option in the wizard, in my lab is the best option.
I shutdown The node 1 and node 2 (that is, the first chassis is down), and I can continue working with the Node 3 in the chassis 2.
I try to test other options, and I cant setup the cluster because I have 2 nodes out.

Virtual Machine Manager 08 R2. Things about

I have a VMM08 and I installed VMM08 R2 to test it.
I have Hyper-V, Hyper-V R2 and Virtual SErver.
I liked VMM08 R2 because, I upgraded the VMM agent and the windows server 2008 or R2 dont reboot. So I can upgrade without problems.

This picture shows a R2 Cluster with CSV, and some Host alone.

The agent upgrade was very well in Windows Server 2008 and R2.

I have a virtual server 2005. Yes I have one already.
The agent upgrade gave me a problem.
I need to reset the process. The second upgrade was well.



Windows 2008 Cluster. Blade, HA and so on

I have a discussion
I have 2 chassis blade.
The main chassi has a Hyper-V R2 Cluster. I have a SQL08 Cluster in VM.
In the second chassis, I installed a Node3.
If the first chassis fail, I have another chassis with one node.
But , he we are the problem
I have Node and File Share Witness for the cluster.
I have a notice about the cofiguration when I introduced the Node 3.
WICH is the best option?
The first option is not enough. If the first chassis is down. I only have the Node 3.
The last option is a solution, but It is not recommended.
Did Microsoft think in this problem?
I have VM for the cluster, but the Quorum options are wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!


Windows Serve 2008 R2. Not Activate Server if you have a VM

I have a VM with Windows Server 2008 R2.

If you delete the machine, and you copy de .vhd file you need to activate again the machine.

You need VMM08 or Export the VM with the Hyper-V MMC.

When you export the VM, you save everything and you save inside the folder:
a config.xml file
a .reg file.
You can edit these files, and rename the options. So you can use like a template to import new machines inside your HYper-V and you dont need activate the Windows Server 2008 R2.


Changing the primary domain DNS name of this computer to "" failed.


When I put a new Windows Server 2008 R2 in my domain I got this error
The machine works well.
But It is weird.

A Hyper-V R2 Cluster R2 with a Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV)

I installed Windows Server 2008 R2.
I would like to test a Hyper-V Cluster with CSV (Cluster Shared Volumes)
I follow this link: (yes, I know , There are many links about that, so I am not going to explain again).

I upload some pictures with some notes:

The cluster validation was well

I put the VM in the cluster without problems.
I have several problems because the virtual NICs in both nodes havent the same name.
When I fixed the name. Everything went well
The CSV files worked very well. I have a LeftHand iSCSI SAN.
The live migration ran very well. I didnt lost any ping.


Windows Serve 2008 R2. Features

There is a lot of pages about Windows Server 2008 R2.
He we are a little ppt about that WS2008R2.


And another interesting link



VMM 08 R2


We can download VMM 08 R2 from MSDN and TechNet subscription.

I am going to test it.

I will write something about the news in VMM08 R2



Slow Performance Hyper-V


Do you have a slow performance in your Hyper-V?


I dont have this problem, so I am lasy to apply the fix...;-)



Windows Sever 2008 R2, release.


Microsoft has released the Windows Server 2008 R2 in MSDN and Technet accounts, already.

In English of course, and Spanish aswell.

I would like to test, Direct Access, LiveMigration, Cluster and so on.....

I couldnt install RC in HP Blade C3000 and C7000.
So I hope, that Microsoft or HP fix the problem soon.

Windows 7 is in Spanish aswell.


Windows Server 2008 R2 Evaluation Virtual Hard Drive Images


Do you like to have Windows Server 2008 in VHD file?

Windows Server 2008 R2 Evaluation Virtual Hard Drive Images


It is very interesting how you can rearm you 10 days period until 180 days.



802.1x, NAC or PaloAlto Firewall

We have Enterasys and Cisco Electronics networks appliances.
We were looking for a system to avoid rogue Netbooks and PCs in our network.
I know, the 802.1x is the best option.
We have the 802.1x for the wireless network in our company. Everything goes well.
For the cable network we didnt have any option because is difficult to integrate 802.1x in both systemas. We are a few technical people in the company.
I looked for anothe NAC solutions. For example NAC Sophos is a good solution.
But finally, we are thinking to change the UTM with authentication option .
The Fotigate, PaloAlto, Barracuda, Cisco, FinJan, etc appliances are the options.

Move SCVMM database


We have a SCVMM 08 in a VM.
We have the Database in a old serve. we need to move it to the new server.

I was searching to do it with a few steps.

I founded this link:
The steps:
1) Backup the database by going to Administrator Console, Administration Page, on right hand side select "Back up Virtual Machine Manager". This will create a SQL backup (.bak) file on your specified location.
2) Uninstall the server
3) Install the server and now point it to the new SQL server location in the install wizard.
4) This will create new database
5) Run scvmmrecover.exe to recover the data from SQL backup (.bak) file created above into the new database

There is a SCVMMrecover script aswell.

I am going to use the link. I will write my experience in the next post.



LeftHand Cluster


We are installing 2 cluster LeftHand SATA and SAS iSCSI SAN.

The support in Spain is poor. HP doesnt have partners in little cities for this iSCSI SAN.

We are goint to setup a VDI Infraestructure with the HP Blade C7000 and SAS Virtualization Lefthand Cluster.

A HP Lefthand consultant from Madrid help to setup the cluster.

Everything goes well.

Performance and others flaws, test options etc will be written here.


HP Blade and Windows Server 2008 R2


We are installing 2 HP Blades. One C3000 (little) and the big C7000.

I would like to test Windows Server 2008 R2.

HP SmartStart 8.5 only runs with Windows Server 2008 SP1.


I spoke with HP, and they dont like to help me. We are a little company and they only support final products.

My idea is to setup a VDI Hyper-V cluster.

I will write more about this VDI Infraestructure (The Infraestructure word is for Marta Marco).


How to boot/install Windows 7/Vista from USB Flash/Hard Drive

(To Diego Ferrer, who told me about to write something more often).

I always search for this procedure.

Click Start –> type CMD and right click Run as Admin
- Inside cmd, type and enter the followings:
type “list disk” and you will see all connected disks and numbers

select disk X (X being the number of the usb disk )
create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs=fat32

MOre information :


VDI, Microsoft, Citrix, Quest. XenDesktop vs vWorkspace


I was wondering about Microsoft Windows 2008 R2.
I like VDI, but I need than the ThinkClient was transparent. That is,
The user is a poor technology user.
Citrix and Quest install a plug-in in the ThinClient.
I dont know this plug-in in MS W2008 R2.
With this plug-in, the user only use the VDI. The window in the ThinClient is transparent for him/her.

What is the best VDI broker?

This is my picture in the Citrix Lab.



Oracle buys everything. Virtual Iron, Sun ...


Oracle buys SUN, Virtual IRon, mValent and more , more and more
IN 2008 Oracle bought 11 companies.

the best, it is a healthy company.



VDI, Microsoft, Citrix , VMware, Quest, Parallels ...


I would like to write down many options about VDI.
Many times, people speakes about Microsoft, Citrix an VMWare. But there are more options...

Parallels: Parallels Virtuozzo Containers
Quest Software: Provision Networks Virtual Access Suite (vWorkspace)
Sun/Oracle xVM Server y Ops Center con Sun VDI
RedHat KVM y VDI Solid Ice de Qumranet
Microsoft Hyper-V R2 y System Center (SCVMM)
Citrix XenXerver y XenDesktop
Vmware View y Oracle Virtual Iron



MED-V and Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta error


I would like to test MED-V in Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta
I got this error.

aggggg, another version for MDOP 2009 and R2 RTM ?


System Center Roadmap

This is the roadmap for System Center.
We have SCOM, SCVMM and SCCM.
I would like to test SCODM (System Center Online Desktop Manager). I think , It is to late for this software.
But, It is better later than never ;-).
I dont need to upgrade anything in 2010. We will be free ;-).
Ufff. I have SCDPM as well. I will migrate.
My new state is migrating everything.


Windows 7. XP Mode.

I am testin Windows 7 and XP Mode.
My version is in Spanish because the windows 7 RC is the first version with the spanish language inside. Before you needed to install the language from a new language package.
But, I am going to write something about XP Mode.
I am a Tablet PC with 2 G rAM.
I am testing x64 version.
All piece of software run well. So, you can use x64 Windows 7 version without problems.

The XP Mode runs well. It runs in 1-2 minutes.
Some applications run well.
Som applications run not well (see MagicIso image)
XP Mode is a beta version, so , Microsoft needs to work to improve the version. ;-)

My applications in XP Mode.

Mspaint in Windows 7. Total Commander in XP Mode. See the differents frameworks.

MagicIso starts well, but I have this window in the desktop. Sometimes the Magiciso close suddenly.
He, There is a step-by-step in Spanish

XP Mode Download


People ask me about to download XP Mode.

In MSDN or Technet Subscription you need to download Windows 7 RC from Operation Systems.
But, XP Mode beta is ready to download from Application tree menu.



PowerShell to move a hyper-v machine

I am a novice in the PowerShell.
I use VB Script.
So, I looked for a script about to move a hyper-v machine from one host to another.
I got several errors,

but I copy the links where I solved the problems.
http://www.realtime-vista.com/administration/2007/01/running_powershell_scripts.htm http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/resources/qanda/sept06/hey0926.mspx http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/topics/winpsh/manual/run.mspx http://blogs.msdn.com/virtual_pc_guy/archive/category/9335.aspx

Remove Office 2007 from a machine


It is a silly thing, but I need it.
I could't to remove the Windows xp, but I need to clean the Office 2007 installation.

So, I look for the Internet, and I got this link:
It works very well.
I cleaned the office 2007 from a Windows Server 2008 and everything was well.


Move VMM08 Virtual Server. Export and Import Hyper-V Machine.

Hi again

I have many VM in our infraestructure.
I can move the VM with VMM08 Server.
Note: See previous post. If I have the same hyper-v version I can move all machines. Otherwise, I can only move the stopped VM from one host to other.

But I had a problem.
My VMM08 is a VM in an hyper-v server.
I need to move it.

I tryed to moved with itself. Ofcourse I got an error because the server saved the state and give me an error. I knew it. But I did it to catch this error.

So, What is the solution?
The solution is very easy.
If you don't have VMM08, you need to use the Export and Import options in Hyper-V console.
Thus, you don't miss the NIC for example. If you set up a new machine with the .vhd file, the hyper-v server understand this machine like a new server. You need to set up the ip address and you need to activate the Windows again.

The Guy's Weblog explain everything very well:


Hyper-V and iSCSI drive. Change the driver letter.

Hi again
I have a hyper-v server with 3 drives for the VM.
the first drive is a Raid 5 local drive.
the second and third drives are in a EMC iSCSI SAN.
I have 5 VM in the second drive.
I need to change the letter to this driver (Don't ask me why, It is too long to explain ;-) )
I change the path letter in the VM options. For the snapshots and for the .vhd file.
I tryed to run the machine.
I failed .

I did waste time to study the error.
So I moved the VM with the VMM08 and I changed the drive letter from V: to U:


VMM08 and vmms.exe version

hi again
Following the previous post.
I updated the vmms.exe file, thus I moved the stopped VM, the running VM, the saved VM without problems.

Moving a running VM. (Yes, It is quick migration (Windows Server 2008), so the machine stops 10-12 pings). I will test this machine in a Windows Server 2008 R2 with Live Migration soon.

Moving a Stopped VM.

NOTE: If you update the hyper-v version (vmms.exe file), you must close the vmm08 console. After re-running the mmc console you must refresh the servers to get the new update. Otherwise you got the "unable to migrate..." error.


VMM08 and Unable to migrate

Hi again

We have an Hyper-V environment with 46 VM.
We have VMM08 to control them.

We try to move VM from a host to another an I got this error:

Unable to migrate the virtual machine sw2k8av because the version of virtualization software on the host sw2k8dtc01.cartv.int (6.0.6001.18125) does not match the version of virtualization software on the source host (6.0.6001.18221). To be migrated, the virtual machine must be stopped and should not contain any saved state

If you look for the vmms.exe in the c:\windows\system32 directory:

The vmms version is different.
The guilty?
The Microsoft update.
One machine had the update service up, the other one it had'nt.
So I need to update the both machines.

NOTE: I refresh the vmm08 mmc in the client. If you won't do it. The error continues, even you had upgrade both hyper-v servers.

You can read more information :(spanish link)


TS Web access and Microsoft Project 2007

hi everyone

If you need to test Microsoft Project 2007 in a TS Web access lab , there is a problem.

The Project 2007 says something like " The Microsoft Project 2007 doesnt run in a Terminal Server machine". You don't have a VLK .

I got a solution for the test lab.
If you have a VLK, you won't have any problem.
But if you haven't...

Run the installer and DO NOT PUT IN A SERIAL!
After Office is installed, DO NOT OPEN ANY OFFICE PROGRAM!!
Navigate to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Office 12\Office Setup Controller\Proof.en
Inside the folder, edit the xml file in notepad...
...find where it says:

and replace "AlwaysInstalled" with "neverinstalled" and save



Palo Alto Networks and Windows Server 2008. The perfect lab.

Hi everyone

My company was searching for an UTM. (Web filtering and anti-virus). But we need HA, Logs, Active Directory integration, Transparent mode, Layer 3 features also.

We tested Ironport, Finjan, Fortigate, Trendmicro virtual applicance over Hyper-V, PIneapp, Barracuda appliances. We read the features in the bluecoat, websense, F5, stonegate appliances also.

is this the best option?. (http://www.paloaltonetworks.com/, PaloAlto Networks).

Santos Pardos

MVP Award


I am a new Microsoft Most Valuable Professional 2009.

MVP: Virtual Machine: Architecture

I would like to thanks to:
David Cervigon
Cristina Gonzalez
Paulo Jorge Valente
Emilio Paz

Santos Pardos


Microsoft Synthetic Ethernet Port or Hyper-V error. Antivirus Error

Did you have this error "Microsoft Synthetic Ethernet Port" ?
Did you have this error "Power On with Error 'The specified network resource or device is
no longer available."?
The antivirus software will be the problem
We have Trendmicro and I got it.!!
You can read this link
But , if you like some pictures. I stick some pictures about the solution with trendmicro.


Event Viewer in Windows 2008 and Hyper-V

Do you have Hyper-V errors?
You like to remove the red X simbol
Take a look to this event viewer section
Remove eveything that you need.
If you remove everything in the Hyper-V options.
You have a clean area in the Hyper-V area to start a new debug. (if you like it, or if you need it)

Integration Services and Keyboard in Hyper-V

Hi again

You know. The Integration Services Setup Disk (ISSD) in Hyper-V solves the problems with the keyboard and mouse. If you use RDP to control the machine, you had had them. isn´t it?

You can install everything in the Data Center, but , you will forget something.
So, When you install a new Windows 2003, XP etc, you can use the mouse before you install the Integration Services.

You can do:
a) If you use the ISSD, the windows lauchs a wizard, you can use the mouse then. The mouse focus is in the ISSD disk. You can finish the wizard and to restart the machine. The mouse will run well.d
b) You can maximize the RPD host server windows. You need to maximize the guest opertation system in Hyper-V (View-Full Scrren Mode ctrl+alt+del).Now you can use windows+e and you can see the explorer in the guest machine not in the host machine.


Hyper-V and Windows Fundamentals Legacy


Do you know WFL (Windows Fundamentals for Legacy) ?
We have one machine with that software
I moved this machine to Virtual.
I moved this machine to Hyper-V
I have 2 problems
I have a HAL problem, but with the Windows XP SP2 I solved the problem. The Hyper-V searched for a file to the NIC.
I have a problem with te NIC. The legacy NIC in Hyper-V runs well.
When I installed the Integration Services, everyting goes well.
The Integration Services runs well. (I had a little doubt about that)


IE 8, Memory Eater


I downloaded IE8.

I used it, but he computer ask me about more memory.

For example, I use IE 7 and Maxthon browser.
The IE 7 has 8 tabs opened and the Maxthon browser 13 tabas opened
The memory is :

But in my lab, I installed IE 8 and I opened 4 tabs, and the IE 8 start up 4 iexplorer processes .
Each proccess spend 40k-50K. That is 200K!!!!!!!
I hope, this is a error in my lab. Otherwise , Nobody will use IE 8.



Cluster Shared Volumes and VMM 2008 R2 Beta


I was testing Windows 2008 R2 Beta.
The cluster shared volumes is a great advanced.
This link help to explain it

The VMM 2008 R2 Bet is ready to download in http://connect.microsoft.com/
This version support CSV and many more options.



Gazelle Browser


I dont surt through The Intetnet with IE neither Firefox.

I used AvantBrowse, Maxthon ...

Now, I like Opera. It is very fast, there are many plug-ins. Sometimes, There is an error, but I doesnt matter.

Now , Microsoft is thinking to change the IE



not comment

Santos Pardos


Enterprise Architect


What is an EA?

Microsoft write in this website about this subjet




WPAD , DNS 2008 and UTM

We are planning to install Ironport WebFiltering.
Ironport doesn´t have the NLB ( network load balancing) or something similar to set up HA.
They speak about to configure a .pac file. (proxy file).
You need to enter wpad.mycompany.com in the DNS.
Ironport doesn´t work with 2008 AD.
We had a problem with the wpad entry in the dns.
This entry is in the block list.

Hi, we are the links to solve the problem:

There is a problem in the first link:
The right command is:
dnscmd /config /enableglobalqueryblocklist 0 (disable)
dnscmd /config /enableglobalqueryblocklist 1 (enable)
